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High Voltage

Series Load Resonant Capacitor Charger
Charge high voltage capacitors with thousands of joules per second!

GK-71 High Frequency Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil
Hot, high frequency plasma with a vacuum tube.

Dual Resonant Solid State Tesla Coil
Create spark gap style streamers with solid state components.

High Speed Photography - Air Flash Unit
Capture short lived moments using a standard camera.

4.096MHz Class E SSTC
High frequency class E SSTC, which also plays music!

Audio Modulated SSTC
A Tesla Coil designed specifically for playing music.

120kV CW Tower
A voltage multiplier that can increase an input voltage of 20kV six times.

The art of making HV Transformers
Learn how to make resilient HV transformers from spare ferrites and common scraps!

The PLL SSTC 1 has been given an extreme makeover.

Ignition Coil Driver
Use an ignition coil outside of a car to produce HV.

Resonant MOT Stack
Create 50 cm long arcs with MOTs!
classE streamer
Palm-top Class E SSTC
A SSTC that fits in the palm of your hand!
18cm spark
180kV Marx Generator
Quickly generate HV with a minimum of components.
SSTC Streamers
PLL Solid State Tesla Coil 1
My first SSTC which works well enough to show to anyone.
thumbnail of TC
Table Top Tesla Coil
A scale model actual working Tesla Coil! It's small enough to fit on a desktop and run from a wall wart. Not much for spark display though.
Flyback Transformer Drivers
This page contains all of the flyback drivers I have tested. From petty 5V drivers to direct mains driven.

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Disclaimer: I do not take responsibility for any injury, death, hurt ego, or other forms of personal damage which may result from recreating these experiments. Projects are merely presented as a source of inspiration, and should only be conducted by responsible individuals, or under the supervision of responsible individuals. It is your own life, so proceed at your own risk! All projects are for noncommercial use only.

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

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